Friday, March 16, 2012


When I was young, I heard my parents speak about a church that was called "Ebenezer Gospel Hall." Seemed to me to be a strange name for an "assembly of Christians". At times in the church where I grew up, we would sing a 19th century (I think) hymn one line of which said "here I raise my ebenezer". Made me wonder what was an ebenezer.
OK, hands up all of you who know what an "ebenezer" was and where it is mentioned in the Bible? There is a town with that name mentioned twice in I Samuel. However neither the church mentioned above nor the hymn were referring to that town. Rather they reference what Samuel did after a great military victory.
 Israel was repenting before God for their unfaithfulness. Samuel promised to intercede for them. While the people were gathered with Samuel, the Philistines (their biggest enemy at that time) came up from the coast to attach them. Samuel "cried out to to the Lord on Israel's behalf and the Lord answered him."
God put on what we might call a huge "thunder and lightning show" which caused the Philistine army to panic and they became easy prey for the Israelites who pursued and destroyed their opponents.
"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up ---. He named it Ebenezer, saying, 'Thus far has the Lord helped us.'"I Samuel 7:12 The word "ebenezer" means "stone of help". It was a memorial stone placed in prominence so that when Israelites would pass by it they would be reminded of God's protection on that special day of victory.
I hope you can look back on your life and in your mind find some "ebenezers" - memories of moments or days when you especially saw God provide for or protect you. I know that some people mark these special days in their journals. I've known a few who keep some type of memorabilia connected with God's special provision. However we do protect those memories, let's not forget the special ways in which God has taken care of us - and of others in the past. 

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