Sunday, March 25, 2012


Who am I? David spoke that rhetorical question to God as the opening words of his prayer. He has just learned that God does not want David to build "a house" for God. However God will "establish the house" of David. From the house, or line of David one day will come the One whose "throne will be established forever." In humility David wonders why God would grant such a privilege to a man who was nothing but a shepherd until God chose him to be King of Israel. (II Samuel 7:18 - 24)
"Is this your usual way of dealing with man (humans), O Sovereign Lord?" David asks. Of course neither he nor anyone else knew that the answer would be "yes". For one day a fellow Jew, this one a mere fisherman until Jesus chose him, would write about all who follow Jesus:
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." I Peter 2:9
Twenty centuries later (2004) a group called "Casting Crowns" recorded a great worship song entitled "Who Am I"? It captures the sentiment of David, and the humble worship of all those who have experienced God's saving grace. We are amazed that the Lord of all the earth would choose people like us to belong to Christ's forever family. We worship, we rejoice and with the ancient King David we marvel and ask "Who am I that God should favour us in this way?" Thank you, Lord.

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